Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2011 - People and Space Category

Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2011 - People and Space Category
Update: I have a high res copy of this on *500px which you can use to send free ecards:

Full results of this contest are up:

Via @ROGAstronomers, Royal Observatory Greenwich
"The Winner is Stargazing by Jeffrey Sullivan. Congratulations Jeffrey!@jeffsullphoto "

"Yes, there are two Sullivans -@jeffsullphoto and Nicole Sullivan are father and daughter! Congratulations to both #astrophoto11"


  1. Congrats to you and your daughter! It says on the winners page that this is 525 separate shots. Was your camera set up on a mount to track the stars? I love knowing the tech details of things like this so I can try 'em someday too!

  2. Thank you!
    Shawn Grossman That's funny... they confused that description with one for another shortlisted photo which was a star trails shot! This Milky Way photo was 30 seconds at f/2.8, ISO6400.

  3. Thanks Michael! Night shots have been really good for me lately.

    _(Update, I added a link to this photo on 500px for anyone here who's also over there 9or who wants to send a free ecard): I have a high res copy of this on *500px which you can use to send free ecards:


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