
Showing posts from November, 2011

So Now You Have Fall Colors Images... How to Edit Them?

So Now You Have Fall Colors Images... How to Edit Them? Here's a timely blog post from last year on Fall colors images. If you haven't tried Adobe Lightroom yet, download a 30 day trial and check it out! (No, I don't get paid by Adobe to say that.)

Things to Know about Google Pages

Things to Know about Google Pages Originally shared by Google+ 5 Cool Tips You Should Know About Google+ Pages 1. You Can +1 a Page to Show Support or Add Them to Your Circles We know you love some brands and businesses. Others you may want to show a quick note of support, but not see all their updates. So just drop a little +1 and keep going, or add a page to any circle you want. You're in control. 2. No Google+ Page Can Follow You Until You Follow Them We want Google+ to be a place you love to share. Pages cannot circle you until you follow them first. Of course, if you are in their circles, they can share great deals, exclusive coupons, product tips and hangouts, but the relationship is yours to start. 3. In Fact, Google+ Pages Can't Even Mention You Unless You're Connected That's right. The Google+ page can't even say your name unless you're following. No +mention spam. 4. Google+ Pages Automatically Unfollow You If You Unfollow Them If you remove a Google+

Photographers' Business/Brand Pages on Google+

Photographers' Business/Brand Pages on Google+ To get started and keep up with developments when they come out, one of the things I'd like to do is to identify other photography business pages to connect mine to. Nominate your business/brand page below. It it's not clear from the title that it's a business page (not a personal identity), I'll ignore the request. Not everyone wants them, it'll be critical over the long run to not duplicate content, and the functionality of brand pages is currently lagging personal pages (including photo protection), but photography is my day job, so I'm establishing the separate footprint and posting unique business-related news and content there. No need to add my business page if you're short on circle space. Most of my content and social interaction will remain via my personal page for now. If you do add this circle however, you'll have to add my photograph brand page in order to include it:

New Take on a Common Theme

New Take on a Common Theme While most of my photography business in the past has been related to landscape/travel photography, I actually love shooting weddings. I particularly like serving as a second shooter... all the fun with none of the pressure! For this shot the lead photographer was looking for good places to shoot the rings, around an old barn. A nail in the bleached wood of the barn wall provided one rusting setting. As a landscape photographer I'm used to thinking in terms of compositions... seeing curves and leading lines and working out a camera postion so the viewers' gaze will be led right where you want it. Or having a change in texture or lighting make a subject stand out. To it was only natural to see the groom's head as the perfect pedestal, use natural back-lighting to accentuate the curve as a leading line, then add a little vignette in post-processing to complete the simplify the image even further. Surely someone has thought of this before in the

Photographer/Photography Brand Pages on Google+?

Photographer/Photography Brand Pages on Google+? I'd like to start my photography page off by looking for other photographers's pages to network with. So please help photographer pages find each other by sharing this circle, and posting suggestions in the comments below. If I don't get around to updating and re-sharing the circle before I head out to meet G+ photographers in Death Valley later this week, I'll do it when I get back. Just to clarify, this particular request is a call for pages only, which will either be identified with a brand (like Mike Spinak's Naturography), or it will be the photographer's name ending in "Photography". Articles like this one need to be updated now that Google has brands, but just like people have been exchanging links to each others' blogs for ages, you can see how the positive effects of being well connected can can ripple through from G+ to Google's search: How Being Friends on Google+ Leads to Better Ranki

A photo of mine was used on the cover of a new book, a fictional work set in California's Eastern Sierra.

A photo of mine was used on the cover of a new book, a fictional work set in California's Eastern Sierra. I wonder who, if anyone, will see this if the post of a new business page is shared to "public".

Utah 2006 - 2007

Utah 2006 - 2007



Utah 2006 - 2007

Utah 2006 - 2007

Utah 2006 - 2007

Utah 2006 - 2007

Utah 2006 - 2007

Utah 2006 - 2007

Night Photos

Night Photos

Moonrise Star Trails & Satellite

Moonrise Star Trails & Satellite I was out looking for Orionid Meteors a couple of weekends ago, until the moon rose around 2:30am. The Orionid Meteor Shower isn't one of the major ones, so I never seem to get much out of it but a few small streaks. I did however catch this double streak near the horizon, which spanned 2-3 shots so it's not a meteor. It may be reflections off of a satellite, such as an Iridium communications satellite ( ). #LightwritingWednesday curated by Rznag Rmrod and Michael Sutton #LightPainting #StarryNights

Night Photos

Night Photos

Lee Daniels How you share others' work is entirely your call. I'm just glad that you do!

Lee Daniels How you share others' work is entirely your call. I'm just glad that you do! Human communities thrive on charity and generosity (and on the flip side of the coin, riots occur when the disparity between one segment and another gets too great... witness the 99%/1% demonstrations globally and entire governments overthrown). So to foster a healthy online community here on G+, I'm simply doing my part and have #SelflessSunday give the community back to the community, at least for a few short moments every week. Share others' work on Sunday, or every day (and I know you often do)! Using the #SelflessSunday tag may help your recommendation get found by others on G+, via a G+ search which might give you a result like this: Brian White has written some scripts to even enable G+ users to see selections from the daily themes on his blog: Google+ embodie

I was trying to add this for Moonrise Monday, but it'll not get found in day-specific searches due to missing by a...

I was trying to add this for Moonrise Monday, but it'll not get found in day-specific searches due to missing by a few minutes. No mattter, the theme definition asks for moon rise photos, specifically moon rises occurring during sunset the day before a full moon. But I chase the moon near the horizon several times per month. The day after the full moon you can catch the moon setting just before sunrise... an analogous event to the sunset moonrise, but on the opposite horizon. Then there are the crescent moons. One sets to the west just after the sun, the day after the new moon. The other rises just before sunrise the day before the new moon. So there are actually at least four days when you can pursue interesting landscape photos with the moon near the horizon. Then you have the moon in the sky near a higher apparent horizon, like yesterday when I caught this crescent moon setting in Yosemite Valley. So Moonrise Monday or not, I'll keep chasing the moon several days per